
 Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don't let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months 

~Clifford Stoll - U.S. astronomer, computer expert

Clearing IIS cacheDoor René Goris op Sunday 07 Jun 2009 om 09:59:47

In Windows 2003 Server, 'Internet Services manager' every site has an Application Pool defined with it's own node. To clear the cache of an individual website is not possible but clearing the cache of a whole an Application Pool can be done by recycl

In Windows 2003 Server, 'Internet Services manager' every site has an Application Pool defined with it's own node. To clear the cache of an individual website is not possible but clearing the cache of a whole an Application Pool can be done by recycling the Application Pool.

To recycle the application pool:

  • Goto the "Application Pools" in Internet Services Manager;
  • Right-click on the appropriate pool;
  • Select recycle;
  • Cache is cleared.


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