
 The Internet is the world's largest library. It's just that all the books are on the floor 

~John Allen Paulos - professor of mathematics

Door René Goris op Wednesday 21 Jan 2009 om 07:38:02 Classic ASP in Visual Studio
  • Open Visual Studio;
  • Open tab "Tools" and click "Options..." ;
  • Make sure "Show all settings" is enabled;
  • Expand "Text Editor" and select "File Extension";
  • Enter "ASP" extension in the "Extension" textbox (left uppercorner);
  • Select "Web Form Editor" in the "Editor" dropdown box (middle top);
  • Click the "Add" button and click "Ok" on the dialog box.

Create a new solution and add a new web project... delete all unnecessary stuff like default.aspx, web.config and app_code. Copy your classic asp website into the project!

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Door René Goris op Wednesday 21 Jan 2009 om 07:26:13 How to get rid off Source Control Bindings

Go to your solution directory (example: d:\data\projects\solutionname):

  • Remove all files with a file extention ending on scc (search on *scc)
  • open all .sln files and delete all sections with the name GlobalSection(SourceCodeControl)
  • open all .vb-, .csproj files and delete all lines with SccProjectName,SccLocalPath,SccAuxPath,SccProvider
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Door René Goris op Monday 21 Jun 2010 om 10:22:41 LineFeed in HeaderText from ValidationSummary

A bug from the dotnet framework???

How do I put a linefeed (carriage return line feed) in the
HeaderText from ValidationSummary?

After some testing (<br>, /r/n, calling it in code-behind) nothing worked,

I found the sollution in '&#10;&#13;':

HeaderText="Fields are required:&#10;&#13;"


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Problems with Windows 2003 Server

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